19 research outputs found


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    In this paper, is carried out systematic information and communication analysis of role of implementing hybrid television technologies in the process of e-education technology, which is possible because of technological future of new TV generation. The authors suggest that the development of new television technologies is in constant communication progress and it is correlated with technological changes (transition from black and white to color, the introduction of stereo / surround sound, and the possibility of new high-resolution image technology which is offered by new generation television receivers and video on demand) that in the technological and communicational terms have not yet been completed. At the present stage of technological and media development of the global world, more than 400 million citizens have direct access to the Internet with a broadband Internet connection (10 Mbps to 100 Mbps), which allows to citizens delivering of media content in high-tech resolution (720p or 1080p). For these reasons, traditional television "providers" respond to the challenges of hybrid television technology with new development and investment deals. Today the media "providers" in education are developing new customer services and media services for the provision and delivery of the new educational video content via Internet Protocol (IP technology) as well as other videos ("tablet") which are mounted on mobile devices of the citizens. Providers of educational media ("high-definition educational contents") are in the front of new communicational, educational and technological challenges. The authors, based on the set of theoretical assumptions and empirical research about the place and role of hybrid technology in a new generation of TV in E-education, give a scientific formulation of implementing new features and models of education that are provided by a new hybrid television technology through a new generation of television receivers. In conclusion, on the basis of the genetic-structural and functional analysis of the convergence of media, the authors explicate the historical value of television technology and propose new educational opportunities (video on demand) which provide a hybrid television technology with unlimited social, hardware and software and technological values and communication capabilities of the new generation TV in the future of E-education.U radu se provodi sustavna informacijska i komunikacijska analiza uloge implementacijskih hibridnih televizijskih tehnologija u procesu E- obrazovanja koje nam omogućuje tehnološka budućnost nove TV-generacije. Autori ukazuju kako je razvoj novih televizijskih tehnologija u stalnom komunikacijskom napretku i korelaciji s tehnološkim promijenama (prijelaz iz crno bijele boje u kolor, uvođenje stereo / surround zvuka, te nove mogućnosti visoke tehnološke razlučivosti slike koje nam pružaju nove generacije televizijskih prijemnika i videa na zahtjev) koje u tehnološkom i komunikološkom smislu još nisu završene. Na današnjem stupnju tehnološkog i medijskog razvoja globalnog svijeta, više od 400 milijuna građana ima direktan pristup Internetu s širokopojasnom internetskom vezom (od 10 Mbps i do 100 Mbps) koja omogućuje građanima isporuku medijskih sadržaja visoke tehnološke rezolucije (od 720p ili 1080p). Iz tih razloga tradicionalni televizijski »provideri« reagiraju na izazove hibridnih televizijskih tehnologija s novim razvojnim investicijama i ponudama. Danas medijski »provideri« u području obrazovanja razvijaju nove korisničke usluge i medijske servise za pružanje i dostavljanje građanima novih obrazovnih video sadržaje putem internetskih protokola (IP tehnologije) kao i drugih videa (»tableta«) koji su ugrađeni na mobilnim uređajima građana. Pružatelji obrazovnih medijskih sadržaja (»high-definition obrazovni sadržaji«) su pred novim komunikološkim, tehnološkim i obrazovnim izazovima. Autori u radu, na temelju postavljenih teorijskih postavki te provedenih empirijskih istraživanja o mjestu i ulozi hibridnih tehnologija nove TV generacije u E-obrazovanju, znanstveno formuliraju nove implementacijske mogućnosti i modele obrazovanja koje nam pružaju nove hibridne televizijske tehnologije putem televizijskih prijemnika nove generacije. U zaključku, na temelju provedene genetsko-strukturalne i funkcionalne konvergentne medijske analize, autori ekspliciraju povijesne vrijednosti televizijskih tehnologija te predlažu nove obrazovne mogućnosti (videa na zahtjev) koje nam pružaju hibridne televizijske tehnologije s neograničenim društvenim, hardwerskom, softwerskim i tehnološkim vrijednosnim komunikacijskim mogućnostima nove TV generacije u budućnosti E- obrazovanja

    Video Communication in Telemedicine

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    Video Communication in Telemedicine

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    Image Quality Assessment of Digital Image Capturing Devices for Melanoma Detection

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    The fast-growing incidence of skin cancer, especially melanoma, is the guiding principle for intense development of various digital image-capturing devices providing easier recognition of melanoma by dermatologists. Handheld and digital dermoscopy, following of mole changes with smartphones and digital analysing of mole images, is based on evaluation of the colours, shape and deep structures in the skin moles. Incorrect colour information of an image, under- or overexposed images, lack of sharpness and low resolution of the images, can lead to melanoma misdiagnosis. The purpose of our study was to determine the colour error in the image according to the given lighting conditions and different camera settings. We focused on measuring the image quality parameters of smartphones and high-resolution cameras to compare them with the results of state-of-the-art dermoscopy device systems. We applied standardised measuring methods. The spatial frequency response method was applied for measuring the sharpness and resolution of the tested camera systems. Colour images with known reference values were captured from the test target, to evaluate colour error as a CIELAB (Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage) ΔE*ab colour difference as seen by a human observer. The results of our measurements yielded two significant findings. First, all tested cameras produced inaccurate colours when operating in automatic mode, and second, the amount of sharpening was too intensive. These deficiencies can be eliminated through adjusting the camera parameters manually or by image post-production. The presented two-step camera calibration procedure improves the colour accuracy of captured clinical and dermoscopy images significantly

    Priročnik za uporabo kamere JVC GY-DV5001

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    Zbirka rešenih nalog : digitalni sistemi

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    Boolova algebra in Boolove funkcije : digitalni sistemi - vaje

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